Late Night thoughts

I booked my flight. Doubting. Not sure why I was doubting when I was booking my flight but I was. I was nervous. Why would I be nervous? I am for the first time in my life, having everything straight, I have Job, I am working out and finally loosing the weight I wanted to for years. And most of all I didn’t wanna leave my grandma alone. But then I booked because we all know, we only get chances like this once in a life. This might even be my last chance to go to India for 3 Months! So why not take it? I can’t make the time stop, and I know that I will get back to this point. I will get to spend more cheerful moments with my grandma once I am back. And I will be still eating the same way in India and going to the gym as I am here. –

I think- and again there I go “I think” too much. No more thinking for me. Not really, but seriously, all I want now is to see my love. I miss him so much. But we are going so strong right now. And if these 6 Months can’t tear us a part what really could? In long distance relationships you have to sacrifice one way or another. You can’t have it all. The harsh truth, and I am sure if you are in a long distance relationship you know exactly why I am talking about.

Really now after all this thinking I am super excited to go. I have everything almost ready, not the packing but all the things I wanted to bring there. So now, I can lean back and relax, enjoy my grandma, my dad, my sisters, my mom, my friends. And wait for the days to be over. To get to the day I want them to be. May the days go fast – and the nights even quicker. May we all take risks in life to do things we are worried about. To us. To this time. To this chance.



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